It’s not always easy knowing where to start or what to say.

Hear Ben's story...
3 top tips
- Brene Brown says, "Asking for help is a power move." I couldn't agree more. People can only care about things they know about. Rumble with vulnerability (another Brene Brown saying!) and let people in.
- Stop saying, "I'm ok" when you're not.
- Exercise is not just good for the body - it is good for the soul. And I'm not super fit or in amazing shape - that's ok, do it anyway!
After a really tough time with feelings of worthlessness, suicidal ideation and a lack of hope, I knew I needed help.
My one connection was my doctor, Dr Sam Prout. I went to see her and she talked to me about treatment.
She said that if I was an asthmatic, I would take an inhaler or if I was a diabetic, I would take insulin – no question! So why was I so reluctant to accept help for mental struggles?
It hit me like the ton of bricks I needed.
I went through some CBT, tried different medications and talked through my challenges with people close to me.