
3 top tips

  1. Meditation – cut out the external noise and the internal chatter and connect deeply with your true self.
  2. Observe your thinking patterns and emotions. Be aware of when the wounded ego is driving you and what needs healing.
  3. Take a soul perspective and value all connections without judgement (still with discernment of course). What lesson is the mirror of the universe reflecting back to you for your highest good?  


The connection I most needed to make in my life was to my soul! It has transformed my life and changed how I connect with others.

Perhaps the best way for me to explain this connection is to tell you what was I connected to previously.

Well, it was my ego that ran the show and more specifically the wounded version. I am not referring to the old stereotypical idea of someone being big headed & thinking a lot about themselves when I talk about the ego.

We all have an ego, we wouldn’t leave the house without it because its primary objective is our survival. The ego in and of itself, is not a negative thing but when the ego is wounded, it can hold us back and keeps us trapped in many ways.

I had developed a staggering volume of stuff that held me back from being the truest version of myself and from knowing that I was good enough. Due to this underlying insecurity, I lived most of my life in pretty much a permanent state of fight or flight.

The connection to my soul has taught me so much including how ALL the connections we experience can be transformational and have valuable and powerful lessons for us, regardless of whether we enjoyed the connection or not.  Once I could see this all from a soul perspective, it set me free.

The environment we work in is a reflection in some way back to us. The groups we are part of, the people we hang around with, all mirror a message back to us.  I believe there is a soul lesson in everything, but we have to look beyond the ego to see the truth of it and understand it.

Previously my wounded ego would judge every situation or person as right or wrong, good or bad. I would take situations/ things people said intensely personally. Now my soul perspective empowers me to feel supported, to make heart led choices, to trust and to learn though all experiences and connections.

Nobody can ever take your soul connection away from you, you can only become distant or disconnected from it yourself.

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